Labor Policy

By engaging in business with Department of Design, Inc., you understand and acknowledge our labor / work for hire policy as mentioned below:

  • We respect your time. Please respect ours.

  • A deposit made for work is for our time. You are allocated a set amount of hours for that labor. Once exhausted, we require additional payment to proceed with your project.

  • Web or marketing labor outside the scope of our original agreement is considered "additional labor" or "new work".

  • Email, text, or phone support/consultation outside the scope of our original agreement is considered "additional labor" or "new work".

  • Any costs beyond our labor that we incur are considered additional costs. Reimbursement is expected and required.
    You will be invoiced with payment due upon receipt.

  • All communications are "on the clock".

  • If you cause the project to go past the point of a reasonable timeframe, 6 months as a perfect example, or willfully delay / dilute the project purposely through ignorance or other reasons outside of our control, your project is considered closed and full payment is required.

  • If you ignore our email requests or ignore our invoices, we will terminate your project.

  • We will not provide I.T. support as we are not an I.T. support company. If you have I.T. needs, please google "managed I.T. services" for assistance.

  • We will not train or provide consultation to 3rd parties.

  • If you are not a monthly maintenance customers, we will not provide on call services.

  • We do not provide support over text or after hours. Please email us during our posted business hours. Failure to do so will result in your project being terminated.

  • We do not provide refunds!

Shop Hours:

10-7:00 Tu (*Conf. time is 10 to 2 EST - Please schedule a time)
10-​7:00 W (Production only - no commo)
10-​7:00 Th (*Conf. time is 10 to 2 EST - Please schedule a time)
9-​12:00 F (Production only - no commo)
9-​4:00 Sa (Production only - no commo)